Practica with local churches and/or ministries comprise ITS's "Practical Theology" (PT) courses. Students pursuing the M.A. in Biblical & Theological Ministry degree are required to take 9 credits of Practical Theology (PT) courses.  Students pursuing the MDiv degree are required to take 23 credits of PT courses.

  • PT 501 Pastoral Theology (2 credits)

    PT 510 Polity (2 credits)

    PT 515 Evangelism & Discipleship (3 credits)

    PT 601 Preaching I (3 credits)

    PT 602 Preaching II (3 credits)

    PT 701 Counseling (3 credits)

    PT 710 Missions (3 credits)

    PT 715 Church Planting (3 credits)

    Additional practica in other areas can be considered as well.

  • The timing of these practica is very flexible. Students can fit them into their schedule as suits them best in the course of pursuing a degree, beginning with the 500 level practicum right away. The 600 and 700 level practica are better experiences after having some Bible and Theology classes first. The Preaching practica have Hermeneutics as a prerequisite.

  • Students should locate their own practica or may approach the ITS Practica Director (PD) for assistance in securing a practicum. The practicum may or may not be completed in the church where the student is a member. The student should consider an opportunity which will broaden their experience and add depth to their resume.

  • Some areas of study are better accomplished by immersion into the life and daily activities of practitioners. The purpose of ITS practica is to provide students with real-world learning experiences that will foster practical ministry wisdom with strong theological moorings in the context of healthy Christian ministries, led by tried and proven practitioners. Students will learn practical details of the specific ministry in which they are interning, apply theological knowledge to said ministry, and produce experiential ministry fruit (preach, teach, counseling, evangelize, disciple, etc.). 

  • Students must complete an Approval Form for each practicum, and return the form to the Administrator at by the following dates:

    July 15 for fall practica

    December 15 for spring practica

    April 15 for summer practica

    Practica will be approved by the ITS Practica Director (PD) by the following dates, at which time the student must register for PT course:

    August 15 in order to register for fall practica

    January 15 in order to register for spring practica

    May 15 in order to register for summer practica