Attending seminary locally and in person offers a rich and immersive educational experience that fosters deep, personal connections with faculty and fellow students. This face-to-face interaction enhances learning through dynamic classroom discussions, immediate feedback, and collaborative study, creating a supportive and engaging academic community. Additionally, being local allows students to stay connected to their home church and community, applying their theological studies in real-time and strengthening their ministerial impact. The in-person experience also provides access to on-campus resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities that are invaluable for personal and professional growth.

7 Distinctives

At Indianapolis Theological Seminary, our courses are Christ-centered and deeply saturated with Scripture, ensuring that every aspect of the curriculum is rooted in the teachings and person of Jesus Christ. This approach not only grounds students in sound theological principles but also nurtures a profound, personal relationship with Christ. By immersing students in the richness of Scripture, we equip them to thoughtfully and faithfully engage with the Bible, preparing them for effective ministry and a life dedicated to serving God and others with biblical integrity.

Indianapolis Theological Seminary is deeply connected to the local church, emphasizing the primacy of the church in theological education and ministry formation. Our commitment to this principle is evident through our on-going internship program, which provides students with hands-on ministry experience within their local church communities. These internships foster practical skills, mentorship, and real-world application of classroom knowledge, ensuring that students are not only academically prepared but also spiritually and practically equipped to serve and lead.

Indianapolis Theological Seminary is dedicated to uniting the body of Christ through its commitment to inter-denominational partnerships among gospel-preaching churches. By fostering collaborative relationships across various denominational lines, we create a rich and diverse learning environment that emphasizes the shared mission of spreading the gospel. These partnerships encourage unity and mutual support, allowing students to benefit from a wide range of theological perspectives and ministry practices, ultimately strengthening their ability to serve in a variety of church contexts.

Indianapolis Theological Seminary prides itself on being academically robust, with credentialed professors who bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the classroom. Our master's level programs are designed to challenge and intellectually stimulate students, providing a rigorous academic environment that promotes critical thinking and deep theological reflection. This commitment to academic excellence ensures that graduates are well-prepared for advanced ministry roles, equipped with a thorough and profound understanding of theological concepts, biblical studies, and practical ministry skills.

Indianapolis Theological Seminary is committed to making theological education accessible and affordable, with intentionally low tuition rates designed to help students graduate debt-free. This financial approach not only eases the burden of student loans but also ensures that more individuals can pursue their calling without financial barriers. By prioritizing affordability, we enable a diverse range of students to benefit from high-quality theological training, empowering them to focus on their ministry and service to others without the distraction of overwhelming debt.

Indianapolis Theological Seminary understands the demands of life and ministry, offering a flexible and life-friendly approach to education with classes scheduled at various times and days. This flexibility allows students to balance their studies with personal, professional, and family commitments, making it easier for them to pursue their theological education without sacrificing other important aspects of their lives.

8 Core Values

  • The triune God’s passion for his holy name and global renown in all things, principally experienced through his sovereign acts in redemption; the theological vision captured in the great confessional statements of the 16th & 17th century Reformation.

  • The biblical and historically orthodox teaching that Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords; the only one to whom all people owe their ultimate allegiance; the final moral judge; and the only one by whose sinless life, death, and resurrection sinners are reconciled to their Creator.

  • The time-tested commitment to the Spirit-inspired word of God written; perfect in their original autographs; without error, flaw, or contradiction; self-attesting to their divine nature; the perfect and complete storehouse of all explicit wisdom that God intends to communicate to humanity; and in no need of further supplement by extra revelation written or spoken.

  • The rigorous pursuit to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and mind; and to teach others to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ by attention to hermeneutics and biblical theology, historical and systematic theology, cultural apologetics, ministerial leadership, and spiritual growth.

  • Gathered communities that manifest the universal body of Christ in time and space; the primary means through which Christ speaks to the world, makes disciples, and trains future leaders.

  • An ethos marked by the love that distinguishes Christians from the world; a community that walks by the Holy Spirit with the gentleness, humility, and peaceableness that accompanies sound doctrine.

  • Pastors, scholars, and students building together a rich learning community that is established primarily by gathering in person, both inside and outside the classroom.

  • The charge from our resurrected King to make disciples of people from every language, tribe, and nation by teaching them to obey all that he commanded.