Student Internships
The unique component about the MDiv and MA is that a significant number of the courses will be offered in local church contexts while the rest will be taught in classroom settings. Thus, ITS has accomplished their vision of wedding robust graduate-level academic instruction with real ministerial experience right here in Indianapolis.
Internships will be carried out as arranged by the student and the supervising church/pastor.
Host an Internship Program
Indianapolis Theological Seminary runs an MDiv curriculum that is conducive to students serving in local churches, that hire them as PASTORAL INTERNS to serve and learn through the experience. The details of the INTERNSHIP are determined by the needs and vision of the church leadership, but they must be designed to serve the student’s growth and vitality. While an INTERNSHIP does meet the needs of your church’s ministry, it is also a focused opportunity for the pastor to develop a new leader. The ITS curriculum is flexible to fit a variety of schedules and ministries.
It is our conviction that it is the primary responsibility of local churches to raise up leaders in fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18–20). As an example of this, in 2 Timothy 2:2 Paul exhorts Timothy—a local church pastor—saying, “What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” ITS exists to collaborate with local churches to fulfill this enduring command. Churches that have a PASTORAL INTERNSHIPS have found them effective means to such ends. Such a marriage of local church training and academic study better prepares the INTERN for a life of God-glorifying ministry than if the school or church operated alone.