Master of Divinity

The Master of Divinity (M.Div.) degree program prepares you for ordained gospel ministry as a pastor, chaplain, missionary, and evangelist. The health of the church and society depend on the faithful ministry of the Word of God. The Master of Divinity will train you to effectively serve the church as a knowledgeable pastor with a servant heart.

95 Credits of Coursework

16 Credits Languages (Greek, Hebrew)
26 Credits Biblical Theology
10 Credits Systematic Theology
8 Credits Historical Theology
6 Credits Philosophy
6 Credits In Ministry
19 Credits Practical Theology
4 Credits Electives

"Among Christian schools, ITS is unique. The pastoral posture of my professors challenges the way I teach first graders in the public school system. At ITS, truth is trinitarian, doctrine is doxological, and the Church is championed. Therefore, intellectual integrity and biblical fidelity partner in sharpening the minds and softening the souls of students. ITS embodies why ministry is both theologically and spiritually formative. Now, I better understand my own church’s pursuit of knowledge which guides her confession that God, in Christ, really is “reconciling all things to Himself” from Indianapolis to the ends of the earth!" – Landon Wall