Master of Arts in
Biblical Ministry (MABM)

The Master of Arts in Biblical Ministry offers training in understanding and applying the Bible (in English), historical and systematic theology, and cultural apologetics including basic guidance in ministry leadership and spiritual formation.

The degree aims to form ministry leaders equipped to comprehend and communicate the Word of God in conversation with the Christian tradition compellingly and boldly within contemporary cultural contexts. In addition to the intellection formation, the MABM introduces basic skills in Christian leadership through supervised practica within the context of local churches.

60 Credits of Coursework

23 Credits Biblical Theology
10 Credits Systematic Theology
6 Credits Historical Theology
6 Credits Philosophy
9 Credits Practical Theology or In Ministry
6 Credits Electives

"After the Lord stirred my heart to further my theological education, I chose ITS because of the in-person classroom environment. Every class I’ve taken has not only grown my knowledge of, and love for the Lord and his word, but has tangibly equipped me to help our church plant with its diverse ministry opportunities, especially with the churchwide Bible study we began this spring. I don’t know what the Lord’s plans are for me but, my hope is that more women see the value in attending seminary in order to better care for and equip the women in our churches to serve the kingdom of God. " – Rachael Reese