Mark 13: Life, Suffering, Mission

Mark 13 is commonly called "The Olivet Discourse." In that chapter (also in Matthew 24 and Luke 21) Jesus sits on the Mount of Olives and tells his disciples of the coming destruction of the Jerusalem Temple (which then occurred almost 40 years later). Yet, it also seems that Jesus is speaking of his return at the end of the age (which of course has not happened yet). So which is it? What is the primary focus of Mark 13? Scholars have much debated this, and major theological implications have resulted. But is it possible that there is still something else Jesus is talking about? And is it possible that Jesus could be talking about all three of these points at the same time!? In this recent sermon delivered at Stones Crossing Church, Dr. Piotrowski explains how Jesus' primary focus is on the destruction (and resurrection) of his own body, and that that is theologically related both to the Jerusalem Temple and the end of the age. We hope you're edified by this sermon.


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