Dr. K.J. Drake

Assistant Professor of Historical Theology


CONTACT kjdrake@indysem.org

PhD, St. Louis University
MDiv, Covenant Theological Seminary
BA, University of Nebraska

The Flesh of the Word

Dr. Drake is Academic Dean and Professor of Historical Theology at ITS. He grew up in Friend, Nebraska and received his BA in History, Classics, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, and Latin from the University of Nebraska in 2008. He attended Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis where he received his M.Div in 2012. He completed his Ph.D. in Historical Theology at Saint Louis University. His publications include articles in the Journal of Reformed Theology and Westminster Theological Journal and online with the Modern Reformation and Credo Magazine. His first book entitled The Flesh of the Word: The extra Calvinisticum from Zwingli to Early Orthodoxy was published in the Oxford Studies in Historical Theology. Dr. Drake is an ordained Ruling Elder in the Presbyterian Church in America having served churches in both Missouri and Ontario.



The Flesh of the Word: The extra Calvinisticum from Zwingli to Early Orthodoxy. New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021.

“Zwingli’s Christology Reconsidered: Spirit/Flesh Dualisms and the Charge of Nestorianism,” Westminster Theological Journal 83.1 (2021): 153-173.  

“Reformational Ressourcement?: T. F. Torrance’s Calvin’s Doctrine of Man in Light of the Barth-Brunner Debate” Journal of Reformed Theology 11.3 (2017): 183-202.

History of Philosophy The Reformation and Today