What is the Joseph Story Really About?

We're excited that Dr. Samuel Emadi will be teaching our Pre-Exilic Prophets course this fall.  He recently finished his dissertation, and wrote a summary of it for The Gospel Coalition earlier this month.  Here is a repost of that blog. 

Moses gives Joseph more time in Genesis than he does any other character—a striking fact given the significance of Genesis’s other main characters: Adam, Noah, and the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This prominence is even more striking considering the apparent insignificance of Joseph in the rest of Scripture. ...

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May His Tribe Increase: a Bealean Reading of the Softball-sized-Old-Testament-Nutshell

Last month, a world-class biblical scholar came to the Hoosier capital. Dr. Greg Beale graced Indianapolis Theological Seminary with a weekend class on eschatology—that study of the last things as it relates to the individual and the universe. As the man with the highest rated commentary on the book of Revelation, Dr. Beale was eminently qualified to answer questions surrounding the end times, the last days, and the place of Israel.

If you were sitting in the classroom on day one, you would have heard Beale’s first shot: “One cannot understand any major New Testament doctrine without understanding its Old Testament background” (he phrased it, of course, in that more tentative academic way). “Can you think of even one doctrine where this is not the case?” The next nine hours of class, spread over two days, gave Dr. Beale ample opportunity to unpack that assertion by weaving the themes of tribulation, true Israel, return from exile, image of God (and so forth) to their fulfillment in the life, death, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. ...

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Household ‘Stewards’

In creation, there is nothing more valuable than human life. And this is doubly true for those who have been purchased with the infinite blood of Christ (Acts 20:28; 1 Corinthians 6:19; 1 Peter 1:18–19). God sent his Son to Calvary to redeem a people for his own possession, and so great is his love for his people that the Good Shepherd has raised up shepherds who would tend his flock. Sometimes these spiritual leaders are called pastors, or overseers, or elders—synonymous terms for the same office. At the same time, while each of these labels stress different aspects of local church ministry, there is another title that needs consideration—steward. ...

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Jesus Gets into the Boat!

This semester ITS students are studying (among other things) the “Synoptic Gospels”—Matthew, Mark & Luke. It’s been great! We’ve spent a lot of time in Mark and have observed how the good news about Jesus is presented in a way that emphasizes two inseparable themes: Jesus’ power and Jesus’ suffering. Mark is teaching us how good it is to know that the one we follow has power—over illness, over demons, over nature, over persecutions, even over death. But Mark also sobers us to remember that this power is mingled with suffering. Jesus—the powerful one—suffers in this gospel. And this, ironically, encourages us: when we suffer we should not think something strange is happening or that we are outside of God’s will. For even Jesus suffers; and he is with us when we suffer. ...


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Let Them At Least Understand

“Let them at least understand the religion which they oppose before they oppose it.”  This quote has been attributed to Blaise Pascal, a French mathematician, physicist, inventor, and believe it or not, a noted theologian.  As a teenager he began to invent mechanical calculators.  He made significant contributions to mathematics and physics, working with vacuums and hydraulics.  A computer language was named after him—which I studied in college.  His quote about thoughtfulness is great advice for us in our day.  Think about it my friends!  “Let them at least understand the religion which they oppose before they oppose it.” ...

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Life is Short and Eternity is Worth It

I teach theology because I love our triune God, I love the gospel, I love the Word of God, and I love helping others rightly understand how doctrine centers on Christ and impacts every area of life. More recently, I've been thinking about why I teach theology at Indianapolis Theological Seminary—a school that has over the last three years developed from a dream into a reality. ...

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Congregational Premarital Counseling

Premarital counseling can be an entertaining exercise for an older couple offering guidance to a younger couple.  Across from them sit two individuals eager to be wed.  Apart from occasional disagreements about planning the ceremony, the soon-to-be-newlyweds are prone to think all is well and their excitement is reflected on their faces. While the mentors don’t mean to discourage the couple, they do mean to equip the couple with counsel that will carry them beyond the honeymoon to the anniversaries to come. ...

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ITS: A Life-Giving Oasis

In the July 2016 issue of Tabletalk Magazine, Al Mohler, President of THe Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, proffers a sobering assessment of the challenges facing the church in America.  He writes, “The Christian church in the West now faces a set of moral challenges that exceeds anything it has experienced in the past.”  Many pastors, theologians, and orthodox Christian thinkers would not disagree with Mohler.  It can be sobering and somewhat alarming to conclude that indeed the church no longer occupies a central place in the public square.  Are we a moral minority?  Perhaps not yet.  Nevertheless, the times we live in require much of us. ...

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